- Backlash and tooth pattern verification
- Trust bearing clearance verification on pinion and propeller shaft.
- Propeller blades seals exchange
- Propeller shaft seals exchange
- Functional test
We can provide the service in options below:
Inspection on the dock:
Inspection on the water:
- Backlash verification
- Pitch adjustments
- Thrust bearing clearance verification on pinion shaft
General overhaul:
- Thruster removal from the tunnel
- Overhaul in the workshop
- Parts verification
- Machining if necessary
- Backlash and pattern adjustments
- Thruster installation in the tunnel
We are a specialist for the following types of the thrusters:
- Rolls-Royce
- Brunvoll
- Wartsilla
- Kawasaki
We have huge experience with removal of bow thruster from the tunnel afloat (grids dismantling, and pad eyes welding included).
If vessel can be trimmed and malfunction cannot be repaired on side we are able to remove
the thruster from the tunnel, blind the foundation hole and ship thruster to our workshop.
After repair thruster can be installed in the next port of call.
Examples of repaired thrusters in reference to vessels
Rolls-Royce Thrusters:
- BBC Chile
- Jascon 34
- Semullet
- Caroline RUS
- Fredrich Russ
And others…
Brunvoll Trusters:
- Sten Baltic
- Vera D
- MV India
- Belfast Mearsk
- Astrea
And others…..
Kawasaki Trusters:
- Skane
- Helen C
- Greta C
- Anja C
- Sebring Express
And others…
- Skane
- Betty Knutsen (done in our warkshop)
- Berlioz
And others…
We are a specialist for the following types of the thrusters
Rolls-Royce CPP:
- Kamewa TT 1300
- Kamewa TT 1650
- Kamewa TT 1850
- Kamewa TT 2000
- Kamewa TT 2200
- Kamewa TT 2400
- Ulstein 45 TV
- Ulstein 90 TV
- Ulstein 150 TV
- Ulstein 250 TV
- Ulstein 375 TV
Brunvoll CPP, FIX:
- FU-45-LCT
- FU-45-LTA
- FU-63 LTC
- FU-63-LTA
- FU-80-LTC
- FU-80-LTA
- FU-100-LTC
- FU-100-LTA
Kawasaki CPP:
- KT-55B3
- KT-88B3
- KT-105B3
- KT-130B3
- KT-157B5
Wartsilla CPP:
- CT125 H
- CT 150 H
- CT 175 M/A
- CT 200 M
- CT 225 H/M
- CT 250 H/M